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Add a .github/deploybot.yaml file to a GitHub repository to define an ordered set of deploy environments.

  - name: development
    description: development
    # Automatically trigger deploy on default branch passing
    on_push: true

  - name: staging
    description: staging
    # auto-deploy from the staging branch to the staging environment, when tests pass
    on_push: true
    on_push_branch: staging

  - name: production
    description: production
    # requires a manual deploy
  • deployments - a list of deployment objects (displayed in order in
    • name (required) - name of the deployment GitHub Environment
    • description (optional) - short description (used by some automation platforms)
    • on_push (optional) - enable auto-deploying when a push to a branch passes tests. Defaults to false, so deploys are only done manually.
    • on_push_branch (optional) - specify an auto-deploy branch by name (defaults to the default branch)


Enable auto-deploys from a named branch (e.g. "staging") to an environment (staging).

# Deploybot config
- name: staging
  # auto-deploy from the staging branch to the staging environment, when tests pass
  on_push: true
  on_push_branch: staging


More advanced configuration settings are planned. Email with questions.